Patient Testimonials
Our patients are extremely pleased with the positive results they received from MonaLisa Touch laser treatments. Read what they are saying.
“I’m perimenopausal so I thought I would benefit from it. After one treatment, my vaginal dryness was significantly decreased. I can’t be on hormone replacement because two of my sisters had breast cancer. We can get personal here, sex was much better afterwards [treatment]. I had external and internal done so the tissues are regenerated around the clitoris. The blood supply is restored to the area so my sensation greatly intensified after the procedure. I became tighter, so it was much better for my husband, too. He said, ‘This is kind of like college all over again!’ It was fast, it was painless, it was easy. I’m excited to see what the third session brings. It’s vaginal rejuvenation, it’s the fountain of youth.”
“I suffer from some mild stress urinary incontinence. It’s not anything I would consider surgery for, but when this opportunity [MonaLisa Touch] came along, I thought it would be great if it could help me resolve some of those symptoms in an easy, non-invasive way. I’m not menopausal, no hysterectomy, no vaginal dryness or atrophy, none of those symptoms affect me. It was the urinary incontinence. After the first treatment, I noticed a difference. Mine’s (incontinence) just mild enough that if I sneezed or if I laughed really hard and my bladder was full or with kids you get really busy, so sometimes I had a little dribble, nothing where I needed to wear a pad but enough that it bothered me. After the treatment, I could sneeze multiple times and not once have I had any leakage afterwards.”
In theory, the CO2 laser and how it affects the tissues sounded great for someone like me. But I was kind of skeptical because everyone tries to sell the latest and greatest. Now I want to get the other two treatments so it [incontinence] continues [improving]. I’ve seen great improvement, and I think they increase the intensity of the laser for the next treatments.”
“I didn’t believe it when I first heard about it [MonaLisa Touch results]. But I thought, I’ll give it a try. I’m game. I am menopausal. I’ve had 4 children. They applied the numbing cream because they did the outside and the inside. They do that automatically when they do the outside. I didn’t really feel the inside at all. Seriously, there is no pain at all. Afterwards, the appearance on the outside was tighter. Having sex was more pleasant. I could feel more. Instead of being saggy after 4 children, it tightened it up. I could physically see that. It’s even better for my partner as well. They can tell that it’s tighter. I’m looking forward to the next two [treatments] because it’s amazing what it’s done.”
“The changes with having a baby, if I coughed I could leak. It was the craziest thing. The first time it happened to me, I’m like, oh my God, when have I become this person? I’m 45! I’ve noticed a huge difference. I’d go to a concert, I’d drink a lot, not go to the bathroom as much as I should. I would actually wear a panty liner if I went out for a night like that. That was always a possibility. But now I’m dry at the end of the night.
And you can’t have a 9-pound child and everything stay the same, and I don’t care how many Kegels you do. I could Kegel from here to next month. My husband never said anything, no complaints, but ever since the procedure, he noticed right away. I won’t tell you what he actually said, but he said it feels like it’s gripping again. It’s definitely tighter and gripping. I feel better about myself. And we were getting to the point where we always had to use some type of lubrication, and we don’t have to use any. That surprised me. It’s great not to have to stop, okay, I gotta get something out. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it myself. You hear these things and think, yeah right.
As far as the sex goes for me, I’m a lot more sensitive. My clitoris is more sensitive. Honest to God, I thought that was snake oil crap. I was never one who could have an orgasm just by vaginal sex. I always wanted to be. It happened for the first time in my life. And that’s the honest truth. I want to finish the treatment. I’m thinking if it’s that good after the first one, think how good it’s going to be after the second and third.”